Friday, March 27, 2020

Study Guide Review free essay sample

Think positively Use the power of visualization Know that most nervousness is not visible Dont Expect Perfection 7. Critical thinking- focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, the differences between fact opinion 8. 7 elements in which we focus on how these elements interact when a public speaker addresses an audience Speaker- the person who Is presenting an oral message to a listener Message- whatever a speaker communicates to someone else Channel- the means by which a message Is communicatedListener- the person who receives the speakers message Feedback- the messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker Interference- anything that Impedes the communication of a message. Interference can be external or internal listeners Situation- the time place in which speech communication occurs 9. Speech making becomes more complex as cultural diversity Increases. Part of the complexity stems from the differences In language from culture to culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The meaning attached to gestures, facial expressions, other nonverbal signals also vary from culture to culture.Ethnocentrism often blocks communication the belief that ones own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures Chapter 2 1 . Ethics is defined as the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs. As a public speaker, you will face ethical issues at every stage of the speechifying process- from the initial decision to speak through the final presentation of the message. 2. Make sure goals are ethically sound, be fully prepared for each speech, be honest in what you say, avoid name-calling abusive language(personal dignity free beech), put ethical principles into practice 3. Plagiarism- presenting another persons language or ideas as ones own Global plagiarism- stealing a speech entirely from a single source passing it off as ones own Patchwork plagiarism- stealing ideas or language from two or three sources passing them off as ones own Incremental plagiarism- failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people 4. Be courteous , avoid prejudging the speaker, maintain the free open expression of ideas Chapter 3 1 .Hearing- the vibration of sound waves pm the eardrums the firing of electrochemical impulses in the brain Listening- paying close attention to, making sense of, what we hear 2. Art of listening can be helpful in almost every part of your life. Studies have been shown a strong correlation between listening academic success. Regardless of profession or walk of life, you never escape the need for a well-trained ear. Listening is also important to you as a speaker. It is probably the way you get most of your ideas information.Appreciative listening- listening for pleasure or enjoyment Empathic listening- to provide emotional support for a speaker Comprehensive listening- listening to understand the message of a speaker Critical listening- listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it 3. Not concentrating, listening too hard, Jumping to conclusions, focusing on delivery personal appearance Tips Take listening seriously Be an active listener Resist distractions Dont be diverted by appearance or delivery Suspend Judgment Focus your listening (main points, evidence, techniqueDevelop note-taking skills Chapter 5 Brainstorming- a method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas 3. Internet searches 4. General purpose- the broad goal of a speech 5. Specific purpose- a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech 6. Tips for makin g a specific purpose statement Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase, not as a fragment Express your purpose as a statement, not as a question Avoid figurative language in your purpose statementLimit your purpose statement to one distinct idea Make sure your specific purpose in not too vague or general 7. Questions you should ask Does my purpose meet the assignment? Can I accomplish my purpose in the time allotted? Is the purpose relevant to my audience? Is the purpose too trivial for my audience? Is the purpose too technical for my audience? 8. Central idea- a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech 9.Residual message- what a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else in a speech 10. The central idea (1) should be expressed in a full sentence, (2) should not be in the form of a question, (3) should avoid figurative language, and (4) should not be vague or overly general. Chapter 6 1 . Audience centeredness- keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation 2. *** 3. *** Egocentrics- the tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being 4.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Anova Hypothesis Testing Paper Essay Example

Anova Hypothesis Testing Paper Essay Example Anova Hypothesis Testing Paper Essay Anova Hypothesis Testing Paper Essay ANOVA Hypothesis Testing Paper RES/342 July 5, 2011 University of Phoenix ANOVA Hypothesis Testing Paper According to Payscale. com an individual with a high school education entering the work force will earn less than an individual with the same level of education who has worked longer in that particular field (Harrison, 2010). Team A has selected data from the Wages and Wage Earners data set and will be using the analysis of variance, also known as ANOVA, to compare the mean of age groups 18 63 which were broken down into four age groups to compare the average salary of each age group and will determine the accuracy of Payscale’s claim. In this paper we discuss our research question and the hypothesis and show how we concluded the selected hypothesis. Research Question and Hypothesis Statement Is there a difference in earned wages for workers with a 12th grade education based on the age of the worker? At a five percent level of significance (? ), the team’s null hypothesis (H0) is that the mean scores are the same for the four groups 18-25, 26-33, 36-44, and 46-53. The alternate hypothesis (H1) is that at least one mean is different. These hypotheses are simply illustrated as: H0: ? roup 1 = ? group 2 = ? group 3 = ? group 4, H1: At least one mean is different. Five Steps Hypothesis Testing and Results of F Test Team A conducted the following steps to test their hypothesis. Step 1 – The null and alternate hypotheses: H0: ? group 1 = ? group 2 = ? group 3 = ? group 4 H1: At least one mean is different Step 2 – Select the level of significance: ? = . 05 Step 3 –Identify test statistic: Use the â€Å"F† distribution because this is an ANOVA test Step 4 – Formulate the decision rule Reject the null hypothesis if F-calculated is greater than 2. 85 (F-critical) Step # 5 – Calculate the test statistic, arrive at a decision, and state a conclusion: Degrees of freedom in the numerator: df= c-1= 4-1= 3 Degrees of freedom in the denominator: df = n-c = 43-4 = 39 Decision is to retain the null hypothesis. Conclusion is that a difference cannot be proven between wages of workers with a 12th grade education based upon age. p-value = 0. 086 Excel Output: Anova: Single Factor | | | | | | |SUMMARY | | | | | | | |Groups |Count |Sum |Average |Variance | | | |Group 1 |9 |165739 |18415. 44 |75696297 | | | |Group 2 |15 |349791 |23319. |75244077 | | | |Group 3 |9 |249868 |27763. 11 |1. 03E+08 | | | |Group 4 |10 |306802 |30680. 2 |2. 28E+08 | | | |ANOVA | | | | | | | |Source of Variation |SS |df |MS |F |P-value |F critical | |Between Groups |8. 4E+08 |3 |2. 75E+08 |2. 358418 |0. 086439 |2. 845068 | |Within Groups |4. 54E+09 |39 |1. 16E+08 | | | | |Total |5. 36E+09 |42 |   |   |   |   | | | | | | | | | Raw Data and Charts Wages and Wage Earners 2005 Data Set Yearly |Group 1 |Group 2 |Group 3 |Group 4 | |Wages | | | | | | |$11,186. 00 |$11,451. 00 |$18,121. 00 |$9,879. 00 | | |$20,852. 00 |$29,191. 00 |$26,614. 00 |$49,898. 0 | | |$14,476. 00 |$41,780. 00 |$33,411. 00 |$20,852. 00 | | |$16,667. 00 |$13,312. 00 |$22,485. 00 |$32,235. 00 | | |$15,234. 00 |$15,957. 00 |$21,994. 00 |$50,171. 00 | | |$39,888. 00 |$25,166. 00 |$28,440. 0 |$31,702. 00 | | |$13,162. 00 |$30,308. 00 |$50,187. 00 |$36,178. 00 | | |$20,793. 00 |$21,716. 00 |$31,799. 00 |$12,285. 00 | | |$13,481. 00 |$28,219. 00 |$16,817. 00 |$45,976. 00 | | | |$31,691. 0 | |$17,626. 00 | | | |$17,690. 00 | | | | | |$16,796. 00 | | | | | |$32,094. 00 | | | | | |$15,193. 0 | | | | | |$19,227. 00 | | | References Harrison, H. (2010). The Average Salary of High School Graduates. Retrieved July 2, 2011, from ehow. com/facts_5232664_average-salary-high-school-graduates. html [pic] Reject H0 Do not reject H0  ± =. 05 F = 2. 85 H0 ? =. 05 F = 2. 85